Our goal is to unite best of the breed protocols, technologies and products in the world of IoT, to create a secure and sustainable ecosystem
Protoplatz multi-protocol gateway solves the issue of integration of multiple vendor-specific
devices into a single smart solution. It provides flexibility and interoperability to consumers who
expect their devices to communicate seamlessly in every environment.
Changing prices is now a snap, running sales and promotions are a breeze and no more chaos
in the checkout lines, all possible through Electronic Shelf Labels – etroniclabels
Companies and security personnel can easily deploy and effortlessly connect sensors, cameras,
limit and trip devices to protoperimeter gateway, streamlining control and management of all
the end-points through a single dashboard in a secure way
See how Protoplatz multi-protocol gateway enables designers and network engineers expand their imagination
Let us show you how
Expanding the security perimeter in a high-rise, or a tunnel, or even on a remote oil-rig is just a click away
Security at your site